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A new start made possible through Saint John, New Brunswick's Human Development Council and Rogers Connected for Success™

What does community impact look like? According to Cathy Foote at Human Development Council, it looks like flowers on the kitchen table and pictures on the fridge. It looks like home. 

Human Development Council (HDC) identifies and addresses social issues in Greater Saint John, New Brunswick, through research, information, coordination, and networking. While not providing direct services to clients, the HDC helps to provide research and coordination in the sector. The HDC has helped implement Coordinate Access, a “front door” support system to identify and assist people experiencing homelessness. Using shared access points, common assessment tools, and community collaboration, the HDC draws together available housing and community support resources to make accessing housing and supplemental support as seamless as possible for the client. 

Foote, the organization’s Affordable Housing Specialist, recalls a recent update from a frontline caseworker: 

“A young woman came to a local agency with just the clothes on her back, and through our programs, she found an apartment and, over time, got a job in the social service sector. Now, she’s giving back to the community and she has reunified with her three children. She was able to buy a car, and is now living independently and recently celebrated a year of sobriety. These are incredible achievements for this young woman – and yet, it was the flowers and the pictures that moved our caseworker. It showed that this young woman finally felt safe and home.” 

Stable housing is the first step; connectivity soon follows, enabling greater independence and access to community resources, employment, or educational support. The Human Development Council and its community housing partners refer new residents to Connected for Success, Rogers low-cost high-speed internet program. 

Connected for Success is available to qualifying customers receiving income support through New Brunswick’s Social Assistance Program, Disability Support Program, and seniors receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement. It is available everywhere in the province that Rogers offers internet service. 

“Connected for Success helps to open a lot of doors. The internet is how you write your resume, search for housing, apply for jobs, book medical appointments, or help your children with school,” adds Foote. “The online world is how people get news; it’s how people stay in touch with family and friends. In 2021, you need reliable internet to participate fully.” 

Working together with community partners like Human Development Council, Rogers is committed to helping bridge the digital divide through its local investment programs and affordable products and services, including Connected for Success. The program is currently available to upwards of 750,000 Canadians in Rogers coverage area across Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland for those who receive income or disability support, the maximum childcare benefit, rent-geared-income housing, and seniors receiving the guaranteed income supplement. The program also offers speed tiers to support the evolving connectivity needs of Canadians. 

To learn more about Rogers Connected for Success and to see if you are eligible, please visit: or speak with one of our representatives by calling 1-866-689-0758, Monday-Friday 9am-6pm ET or Saturday-Sunday 9am-5pm ET.