Dear Canadians,
Our network outage last Friday was unacceptable. Simply put, we failed on our promise to be Canada’s most reliable network.
This outage caused real pain and significant frustration for everyone. Canadians were not able to reach their families. Businesses were unable to complete transactions. And critically, emergency and essential calls could not be completed.
No one – not our customers, our governments, and not us – is anywhere close to finding what happened acceptable.
Now we have to make things right.
Our network is fully operational to the standards you have come to expect. Our customer service representatives are working around the clock and have caught up on the backlog of issues. We have also increased the credit on all our customers’ bills, as some of you experienced longer delays in resuming services.
In speaking to many of you, it is clear that what matters most is that we ensure this doesn’t happen again.
You have my personal commitment that Rogers will make every change and investment needed to help ensure that it will not happen again.
As well, working with governments and our industry, we will implement what is needed to ensure that 911 and essential services can continue, no matter what outage may occur.
I understand that it is only through our actions, and with time, that we can restore your confidence in us. We can and will do better.

Tony Staffieri
President and CEO, Rogers Communications