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Chief Technology Officer Jorge Fernandes sits down with Scotiabank Analyst Jeff Fan to discuss 5G and the future of technology

Last week, our Chief Technology Officer sat down with Jeff Fan, Managing Director and Equity Research Analyst of Scotiabank at the Scotiabank TMT Conference to discuss the state of Rogers 5G network today and how we continue to build on our 5G leadership position in Canada.

Jorge talked about the capabilities and benefits that will be realized with a 5G standalone core network, network slicing and mobile edge computing as well as the importance of developing an ecosystem of partners to bring 5G to life. Take a look at our earlier announcement that goes into more detail on what these technologies mean for Canadians.

Other topics discussed included how Rogers was able to respond to the surge in network traffic in the early days of COVID-19 to keep Canadians connected, as well as the ways 5G will make networks more energy efficient. Click here to listen to the discussion.