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Congratulations to the Ted Rogers Scholarship Class of 2021!

For the second year in a row, the traditional rites of passage for high school students – including in-person proms, seniors’ trips, and graduation ceremonies – have been put on hold by the COVID-19 pandemic. But for the 375+ Canadian youth from over 125 communities coast-to-coast-to-coast, 2021 offered a little bright spot – a Ted Rogers Scholarship.

This evening, our very own Deepa Prashad, Entertainment Reporter with KiSS 92.5, hosted a virtual celebration to surprise these deserving students, recognizing their achievements and celebrating their accomplishments in community leadership and volunteerism. 

Many of these inspiring young Canadians were nominated by our 18 community partnership organizations, including YMCA, Toronto Community Housing, Indspire, and Pflag, in recognition for all their hard work, and the Ted Rogers Scholarship will help support their post-secondary studies in the fall.

Congratulations to the Ted Rogers Scholarships Class of 2021!