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International Women’s Day – Ryndala Richa delivers memorable customer moments both in and outside of work

This year, for International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating some of the amazing women who are turning possibilities into realities. Quebec’s Ryndala Richa is one of these women. As a Rogers Store Manager, Ryndala is used to providing best-in-class customer service. Outside of work, she does just the same.  

We asked Ryndala a few questions ahead of International Women’s Day to get to know her a bit better and hear what her side business is all about. 

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? 

International Women’s Day is a day celebrating the social, cultural and achievements of women around the world.  

Tell us about your role at Rogers. 

I am a Rogers Store Manager in Laval, Quebec.  

Can you share any details around how Rogers has supported you, this last year or over the course of your career?  

I am very lucky for being part of the Rogers team, during the past year Rogers helped us stay positive during those very uncertain times. Everyone was always so supportive, and really helped us stay positive over this last year.   

Who has been an inspiration in your life, and why? 

My mother is my biggest inspiration. She raised four kids on her own and never gave up on us she gave us everything we needed and more  

What would you say to young girls of today? 

Never give up on your dreams, your only competition in life should be yourself! 

Tell us a little more about yourself, and any personal interests or details you’d like to share.  

I graduated in child studies which was something I had dreamed of ever since i was a young girl. But I realized, I couldn’t see myself in the industry and needed something more challenging. That’s when I decided to open my own company, R.plan. Our slogan is – “Your plan is our plan. Because everything we do is to make our customers dreams a reality. Ultimately, it’s not about us but about others. I help turn possibilities into realities every day when clients give me the possibilities to plan their event and we turn it into a reality by executing their vision.  

Life is full of surprises, and every day has an opportunity of turning your dreams into a reality, you just have to believe in yourself and follow your passions!