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A New LITE turns on in Halifax

    Rogers Launches New Radio Station

    HALIFAX, Aug. 7 /CNW/ - Today at noon, Halifax listeners turned on an
exciting new radio station, LITE 92.9 FM, the only radio station in Metro
Halifax playing "TODAY'S LITE ROCK".
    LITE 92.9 plays the perfect blend of music for listening at work, at
home, or in the car. Featured artists include Michael Buble, Elton John,
Beyonce, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel, Madonna, Rod Stewart, John Mayer, and
Sarah McLachlan.
    "Listeners are going to love what they hear", says Danny Kingsbury,
Rogers Project Manager for LITE 92.9. "Halifax now has a station that plays
100% LITE Rock."
    Paul Ski, CEO Rogers Radio adds, "Launching this station in Halifax, one
of Canada's most beautiful and dynamic markets, will dramatically expand what
we can offer our advertisers. At the same time, we are offering a true
alternative listening option for a very important sector of Halifax."
    The station will remain commercial free until September 1, 2009, and
on-air talent will be announced in the coming weeks. LITE 92.9 can be heard at
92.9 FM and on-line at
    The launch of LITE 92.9 was simulcast on Rogers All News radio station
News 95.7. LITE 92.9 becomes the 4th Rogers radio station in the Maritimes
following the successful launches of News 95.7 Halifax, News 91.9 Moncton and
News 88.9 Saint John on October 11th, 2005.

    Rogers Broadcasting is a subsidiary of Rogers Media, a division of Rogers
Communications (TSX: RCI; NYSE: RCI). Rogers Broadcasting has 54 AM and FM
radio stations across Canada. Television properties include 5 Citytv stations
and 5 OMNI local over-the-air stations, and specialty channels Rogers
Sportsnet, Canada's live-event leader comprised of four channels all of which
are available nationally and in high definition, OLN, Biography, G4Tech TV,
and Canada's only televised shopping service, The Shopping Channel.