Henry Peirson
1. Where do you volunteer – what’s your favourite thing about what you do?
I volunteer in many different areas, including helping in the various shows that I do, the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) organization, at my (now former) school, as well as with other miscellaneous activities. Often I volunteer for larger activities and events, such as in selling tickets for a big local musical or speaking at fundraisers for BBBS.
I suppose my favourite thing about volunteering for such things is knowing that the little bit that I’m doing to help will contribute to a “greater good”. What I mean by this is that by volunteering in whatever capacity I can, whether in a small or big way, I’m able to further the quality and success of the final outcome of that volunteering opportunity (for example, helping to paint the set for a show). This is my favourite thing about volunteering — knowing that something, no matter what I do, is a help in some way.
2. Why was receiving a Ted Rogers Scholarship special?
Receiving the Ted Rogers Scholarship was special in numerous ways, however for me the most special thing about receiving the scholarship was its support of my choice to enter the arts professionally. I often find it difficult to receive support from those around me when I tell them that I’m planning to become an actor as a career, given the precariousness of it as a job. With that, I’m constantly made very aware of the financial issues that could result from my career choice, including the risks of high post-secondary tuition payments and student loans. Receiving the Ted Rogers scholarship, for me, was an absolutely inspiring counter to negative opinions like these. It made me feel that I have support for my life choices from people beyond my direct family and friends, and helped to reaffirm my confidence in my decision to enter the arts professionally.
3. Where do you plan on going to school and what will you study?
I plan on attending the George Brown Theatre School at George Brown College in Toronto for the Theatre Arts — Performance acting program.
4. What are your long-term goals?
My long term goals are based on my career as an actor, however I am leaving them somewhat open given how easily the arts change. One of my primary goals is to complete my training at the George Brown Theatre School. This will allow me to build connections and gain the necessary training and skills in order to perhaps begin auditioning professionally. However, should it be possible, I am hoping to use George Brown transfer credits to go to Capilano University in British Columbia for a year to receive their BPA in Acting. This would allow me to travel a bit, create more connections, and live the “university experience” somewhat.