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International Women’s Day – Sandra Lynn makes a difference and drives results

This year, for International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating some of the amazing women who are turning possibilities into realities. Vancouver’s Sandra Lynn is one of those people. As an Organization Effectiveness Coach & Facilitator, Sandra’s primary goal is to make a difference by ensuring people are heard, supporting leaders and driving a high-performing team. 

We wanted to hear more from Sandra on what drives and motivates her, both personally and professionally. Here is some of what she had to say.  

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?  

International Women’s Day for me is a day about remembrance and celebration. Remembering and celebrating the impact and hard work of women who have paved the way so far for equality for all women. It represents the opportunity we have to continue making a difference and change how we all view each other as equals.

Tell us about your role at Rogers. 

As an Organization Effectiveness Coach and Facilitator I have the absolute privilege to work across the organization with so many dedicated, smart and caring people, supporting leaders and teams find that higher gear and drive a culture of high performance, one conversation at a time.  

Who has been an inspiration in your life, and why?  

So many amazing women who I’ve been blessed to have known and know. In particular, my mom and my sisters – their strength and conviction to be just who they are has shaped me to be who I am today.

What would you say to young girls of today?  

Always be kind, always be yourself and listen – listen to learn, listen to lend an ear when someone needs it and go for what you know is right.  

Tell us a little more about yourself, and any personal interests or details you’d like to share.  

Living in British Columbia, we haven’t been as hard hit as other provinces yet through COVID-19. I’ve learned so much and have been able to connect with some many friends and colleagues in ways like never before – I’m so grateful!  

I have two amazing kids who inspire me and teach me something new every day. They keep me on my toes.

I’m a big sports person at heart. Sports taught me the value of discipline, teamwork and confidence, and I keep my toes in sport by volunteering where I can with my daughters volleyball and ice hockey teams.  I believe it’s extremely important whether it be sport academic or the arts to find the space that you thrive in.  

I love where I live in North Vancouver and working at Rogers, I wouldn’t want to be any place else. Well a beach somewhere would be nice – next year. Fingers crossed!