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/R E P E A T -- Video B-Roll via Satellite - Rogers launches Apple iPhone 3G in Vancouver/

    VANCOUVER, July 10 /CNW/ - The following B-Roll is available at the
listed times and co-ordinates:

    Live Satellite Coordinates:DATE OF FEED:   July 11, 2008
    TIME OF FEED:   7:00 - 7:30 pm EDT
    CO-ORDINATES:   Anik F2 C Band
                    Transponder 5B
                    Downlink Frequency 3900 Vertical
                    Subcarrier 6.2 & 6.8STORY SUMMARY:

    On Friday, July 11, to celebrate the launch of the Apple iPhone 3G, six
Rogers Plus retail stores across Canada opened in advance of regular hours.
Starting at 8:00 a.m., Canadians were able to purchase the new iPhone 3G at
special launch day events held at select Rogers Plus stores in Toronto,
Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver. Customers attending launch
day events were treated to a free early bird breakfast and Rogers Wireless
prizes including event tickets, gift cards and more.


    Interview & b-roll with spokesperson Gord Nelson, Vice President and
General Manager, British Columbia, Communications Group, Rogers CommunicationsB-Roll Footage

    -   Wide pan shot of customer line-up
    -   Event team distributing prizes to customers in line
    -   Event team distributing food and beverage to customers in line
    -   Glamour shots of product
    -   10-second countdown to store opening
    -   Store doors opening - zoom in on Rogers store signage
    -   Customers purchasing iPhone 3G devices at cash desk
    -   First customer to purchase iPhone 3G leaving storeSTATIONS, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: Liz Hamilton, Rogers
Wireless,, 416-935-8710
    For technical information DURING the satellite feed, please call CNW at
(416) 294-9180
    As with all CNW Broadcast feeds, this release is offered for your free
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