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Ten sectors where Canada can lead the way

    Canadian Business magazine takes an in-depth look at the country's future
    and how we can best prepare to face a daunting list of challenges

    TORONTO, Oct. 5 /CNW/ - "Future proofing" is the tricky process of trying
to anticipate long-term developments to maximize opportunities and minimize
disaster. The Canadian way is betting a little on every single sector,
including proven losers, in the name of regional development and to reduce
political fallout. But that just will not cut it in the globalized
21st-century economy as Canadian Business magazine reveals in its
Competitiveness Issue.
    It's time Canada made a stand in key industries vital to its future
success. Some, such as energy and biotechnology, are obvious; others,
including health care and manufacturing, might seem to go against the grain.
Canadian Business magazine reveals where Canada can lead, why and how, as well
as how Canada stacks up against the world in a variety of socio-economic
categories.Where Canada can lead, why and how:
    -   Clean Technology: With oil prices topping US$80 a barrel and carbon
        costs on the way, renewable fuels are no longer just a tree-hugging
        alternative. Canada has the talent and technologies to lead
        innovation in areas such as carbon sequestration, biofuels and
        geothermal energy.
    -   Video Game Development: About 20% of the top selling games in North
        America are developed in Canada and some of the best studios in the
        world exist in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. The global industry
        is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.1% between
        now and 2011, making gaming a growing entertainment force, and a
        clear export opportunity.
    -   Quantum Computing: Canada has one of the world's largest critical
        masses of researchers in many of the key theoretical aspects of
        quantum information processing. With our resources, Canada has the
        chance to be at the forefront of the next major computing paradigm.

    The 7 other sectors highlighted by Canadian Business are featured in the
issue on newsstands starting today, and are available to media through the
contact below.

    Other in-depth features in the Competitiveness Issue include...

    -   How industry leaders are adapting to climate change across Canada.
    -   Give us your skilled - Canada needs good help - badly. But our
        immigration policy is standing in the way.
    -   The economic world in 2020 - Mapping the coming rise of India and
        China, and Canada's continued fall.
    -   Are we getting dumber? In an age of global competition for top minds,
        Canada's "good enough" university system is failing to make the
        grade.About Canadian Business magazine:

    Founded in 1928, Canadian Business is the longest-serving, bestselling
and most trusted business publication in Canada. Canadian Business stands
alone as the business magazine in Canada with 100% paid circulation. With a
readership of almost one million, the magazine is published every second
Monday, except in January, July and August, when monthly issues are published.
Special annual issues of Canadian Business include the Investor 500, the MBA
Guide, the Rich 100 and the Best and Worst Boards. Visit