Well-known Canadian broadcaster Teresa Kruze to host new series premiering April 8 at 8:00 p.m.ET/PT only on The Biography Channel TORONTO, April 4 /CNW/ - The Biography Channel is pleased to premiere Changing Lives, a new television series designed to empower and inspire people to move past adversity to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. Changing Lives will premiere on Sunday April 8, 2007 and can be seen weekly on Sunday evenings at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT and again at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT. Hosted by well-known Canadian broadcaster, Teresa Kruze, the one-hour show will examine many issues of career, life, health and celebrity that will challenge people to pursue a higher quality of living and emotional well-being. Changing Lives host Teresa Kruze is well known for the fourteen years she worked with TSN as a commentator covering major world sporting events. Having dealt with major career change, tragedy, death, health and family issues, Kruze decided to use her experiences to create a show that focuses on making positive changes and self-empowerment. "There are so many stories of inspiring change in the world and they need to be told. My goal is to empower people with courage, motivation and confidence to make changes in their lives, said Kruze. "After watching each show, I want people to feel inspired by these stories and say to themselves that if they can do it - so can I." Feature stories of Canadians who have changed their careers, tackled their fears, overcame tragedy and drawn inspiration from adversity, Changing Lives will challenge viewers to ask themselves how to cope with change and improve their lives. The show also features Canadian celebrities and their inspirational stories of spiritual growth and change including actress Tonya Lee Williams, hockey great Paul Henderson, comedienne Carla Collins, cooking guru Rose Reisman, Tim Hortons co-founder Ron Joyce and Canadian fashion designers Wayne Clark, David Dixon and Joe Mimran. About The Biography Channel Canada The Biography Channel launched in Canada on September 7, 2001 and is the only 24-hour television channel dedicated to showcasing biographies, documentaries and movies about the most intriguing people from Canada and around the world. Available to digital cable and satellite customers, The Biography Channel in Canada is owned by Rogers Media Inc.