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The future hinges on 5G – how digital infrastructure will help us build back better

Canada’s prosperity has relied on the infrastructure that unites us from coast to coast to coast — whether it was the railroads in the nineteen century that enabled the flow of people and goods, or the Trans Canada Highway that opened up trade and spurred growth after the Second World War.

Today, digital infrastructure plays that critical role as the foundation for economic growth and productivity, which has only been reinforced by today’s announcement that the Canada Infrastructure Bank will invest in rural broadband. More than ever, connectivity has become the lifeblood of society – a fact that has been brought into sharp focus by the pandemic.   

That’s one of the key messages of our President and CEO, Joe Natale, in conversation with Public Policy Forum President and CEO Ed Greenspon, in the latest episode of the forum’s podcast Policy Speaking.

As Canadians sheltered at home, our networks were tested like never before, and they were up to the challenge. It didn’t happen by accident. Canada’s carriers have built some of the best networks in the world, investing for generations and pouring billions of dollars into our country’s digital infrastructure.  With the launch of game-changing 5G technology we are at a connectivity crossroads and we can’t afford to get it wrong. Listen to Natale and Greenspon here.