How one employee rallied his team members to make the lives of seniors a little brighter.

There is no doubt that the last year has challenged all of us in ways we never imagined, and this is especially true for our elderly community. Mark Calla, a Technical Support Team Manager in Montreal, recognized this need and set out to connect with seniors in his community in a unique way.
Since joining Rogers in February 2018, Mark has been an active member of his community, giving back to organizations like Moisson Montreal and YMCA Point- St Charles through Rogers’ Give Together Days.
As the realities of COVID-19 became more apparent, and with seniors most at-risk, Mark and his colleagues began looking for creative ways to give back and help alleviate the feelings of loneliness and isolation for the elderly in his community. That’s when Mark stumbled upon The Cummings Centre in Montreal, an organization on a mission to empower and enhance the quality of life of adults aged 50 and over through volunteer-run programs.
Due to COVID restrictions, members of this community were not able to participate in the activities they love, so the Cummings Centre shifted their approach and introduced Virtual Volunteering. Through this initiative, community volunteers are paired with seniors who meet through phone or video calls on a weekly basis and keep them company – all virtually!
Mark felt compelled by this creative initiative and contacted the organizations’ Director, Lynn Gordon to share our mission to volunteer 60,000 hours to our communities as part of The 60 Project. Lynn was excited to welcome the Rogers team, so Mark began rallying his Technical Support colleagues.
Without hesitation, 15 specialists jumped at the opportunity and signed up for virtual volunteering. “The seniors receiving the calls are so appreciative,” said Mark. “By establishing that connection, especially during this time of isolation, it is very heartwarming knowing that we are making their day that much better.”
In the last few months alone, Mark has dedicated over 35 hours to The Cummings Center, and continues to feel inspired and driven by the organization’s mission. “Volunteering is in my blood,” said Mark, “and it’s something that everyone can do”.
The importance of this initiative was never more evident than during the holiday season, a time when family gatherings were limited in Quebec. Mark’s weekly calls brightened the communities’ spirits and comforted them through a difficult period in their lives. “It was the best feeling ever,” Mark shared.
“They have been a tremendous support to the seniors in our community,” said Lynn. “I am so pleased for this new relationship with Rogers Communications. We all look forward to Mark and his staff’s future involvement with us at Cummings.”
Comforting those in need with the help of people like Mark.
One of the ways Rogers is helping to make a better Canada.