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Protecting your family online

Pink isn’t just for fashion… it’s a cyberbullying statement

On February 27, individuals across Canada will wear pink to show their support against bullying. Pink Shirt Day started 12 years ago after a grade 9 student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on his first day of high school. Now, the day is used as a display of solidarity for victims of bullying, including cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying involves the use of technology (social media, text messages, websites, etc.) to make fun of and/or intimidate others. Unfortunately, what goes online, stays online forever. That’s why it’s so important to show your support and teach everyone the importance of taking a stand against cyberbullying.

Here are a few ways that you can take a stand against bullying everyday:

  • Lead by example
    We should all demonstrate the same respect and courtesy that we expect of others. Let’s challenge ourselves to do at least one act of kindness each day and spread a little joy.
  • Take a stand
    Save any messages or content and report cyberbullying to the appropriate authorities.
  • Start a conversation
    Create an open communication channel with your kids about their online activities. It’s important that they know they can turn to you for help or guidance.
  • Stay up to date
    Keep informed on the apps, websites and games that your children are interested in and have a conversation on what should and shouldn’t be shared online.

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Families Online: My kid wants to use an app I’ve never heard of before . . .

Social media is a great place to connect, share and learn – but it can also be host to cyber bullying, loss of privacy, viruses and malware and unfortunately, predators.

If you’re a parent, guardian or mentoring younger children, you probably worry about their online safety, especially on social media platforms. So, how do you navigate cyber safety?

Here are a few simple ways to help protect your family online:

  • Get involved, start educating early and often. Be aware of what kids do online, get familiar with social media platforms and start the conversation about online safety.
  • Explain the implications. Let them know that pictures and posts can be copied and never permanently deleted.
  • There are age limits for a reason. Encourage kids to read the security and privacy policies.
  • Set profiles to friends only and check privacy settings. Make sure settings aren’t set to share information publically.
  • Use strong passwords and don’t post personal information you wouldn’t want shared. Let kids know that they need to be careful about the personal information that they post and they shouldn’t post information about other people without their permission.
  • Turn off geotagging. Explain how geotagging works and explain the risks of posting things that reveal their location.
  • Think before you click. Let them know that they shouldn’t click on a link in an email if they don’t know the sender.
  • Never ignore cyberbullying. Pay attention to signs of cyberbullying; listen to concerns and work together to get the right help.